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No New Posts Guide to Lualdi

Welcome to Lualdi, the most paradisiacal region in the world! Tropical and warm year-round, Lualdi is the perfect place to visit no matter the season. Whether you're looking to climb the ranks of the Lualdi Pokémon League, see breath-taking vistas unique to the region, or simply get away from your troubles for a while, Lualdi has something for you.

4 4 Unstuck in Time
by Gatz
Mar 22, 2016 21:48:21 GMT -7
No New Posts Lualdi News Network

Lualdi's premiere news station, the Lualdi News Network is dedicated to bringing you up to date on all the biggest and greatest news from throughout the region. Simply tune into our station at LNN 09.19 FM to hear our top-of-the-line broadcasters any time of day, and remember -- if you seek fame and glory for bringing the truth to Lualdi, seek us out at our headquarters in Nessundo City.

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No New Posts Chatterboard

Go extreme. Have fun completely.

Sub-board: Resources, Reports, and Requests

4 12 TEST
by Don
Mar 22, 2016 20:46:21 GMT -7
No New Posts Character Database

Post your characters here.

Sub-boards: Active Characters, NPC Archive

10 34 Leonard Wurtz
by intrusivepen
Feb 18, 2017 14:43:22 GMT -7
No New Posts Thread Hub

Keep track of your currently active threads or indicate open threads for other people to participate in here.

4 4 track! that! thread!
by sarah
Mar 22, 2016 22:04:45 GMT -7
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The Primarrivo Province

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No New Posts Port Zolfo

Port Zolfo is sometimes called the gateway to Lualdi. As the largest port city in the region, tourists and visitors from all over the world most often begin their Lualdi vacation in Port Zolfo. The whole city smells like the ocean, and strict anti-pollution laws have kept even the busiest docks and harbors clean. The waters surrounding Port Zolfo are teeming with surprisingly docile wild Pokémon that stick their heads out of the water in hopes of being dropped some food. Enough people in Port Zolfo own a boat of their own that there are "parking docks" for citizens' boats just as some cities might have public garages for cars. From enormous cruise ships whose arrivals and departures are heralded by signal horns to small, private fishing boats that bob up and down in the smallest of waves, Port Zolfo is truly a sailor's city.

Sub-boards: Port Zolfo Gym, The Stantler Inn, Hotel Sawsbuck

2 3 Hotel Sawsbuck Gift Shop
by Gatz
Apr 8, 2016 12:36:50 GMT -7
No New Posts Roma Road

Roma Road is a long, winding cobblestone path that is worn down by the feet of innumerable travelers and countless tropical rainstorms. In ages past, it was the primary road to what is now Enghia City; now, it is simply a popular trail for those seeking a leisurely, peaceful stroll. Seaside grass grows between the broken stones of the road, swaying in the ocean breeze, for Roma Road never strays far from the coast of Primarrivo. It curls and rises and falls with the hills and small coastal cliffs, and the crashing of waves can be heard even when the ocean is out of sight.

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No New Posts Maldro Reefs

When the tide recedes in the Maldro Reefs, the coral jutting out of the water turns into an expansive, colorful forest that can be walked among. Seawater cascades down from where it's collected in the tops of the coral, creating waterfalls along the sandy paths, and jagged dark rocks serve as a boundary between the rest of the ocean and the Maldro Reefs. Even during high tide, one can still walk around the gargantuan coral for the same species of coral grow on land as well, albeit less in number and somewhat damaged from tourists or storms. Regardless of where one goes in the Maldro Reefs, it's clear why the reefs are compared to a forest so often.

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The Mediterra Province

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No New Posts Enghia City

Brick buildings dating to the colonial period and modern skyscrapers stand side-by-side in Enghia City. In some cases, skyscrapers will have bases that resemble their colonial neighbors, even having porches with small flower gardens, a small sign above the door with a hand-carved street address, and elaborately-decorated window panes. Entire districts of the city have been lovingly preserved to look like they were plucked out from hundreds of years ago, and the residents of these districts must go through the Board of Historical Preservation to make substantial changes to their home that may jeopardize the "stuck in time" feeling of the neighborhood. Even districts that don't have laws regulating the exterior appearances of the buildings tend to outlaw "anachronistic" businesses to the southern part of the city for the sake of maintaining Enghia City's unique aesthetic.

Sub-boards: Enghia City Gym, South End Shopping Center, Museum of Lualdian History

4 4 Escoreos Trainer Supplies
by Gatz
Mar 22, 2016 17:42:03 GMT -7
No New Posts Nookalpra Cliffs

The hot and humid Nookalpra Cliffs are a difficult journey except for the most dedicated of hikers. Craggy and perilous to traverse even where well-meaning hikers have set up rope handrails on relatively safe paths, these inland cliffs are perhaps more suited for rock climbing than walking. Despite the difficulty, many make the trek anyway for the sake of seeing the pitch-black, leafless tree that has spread its roots throughout the cliffs. Its gnarled old roots may look dead, especially given how they sometimes curl and break away along the rocks towards the base of the cliffs, but the tree has only grown over the past few years -- only slightly, but enough to show that the tree is very much alive despite appearances. The colossal tree houses the occasional Pokémon, but they rarely remain for more than a day or two. It's as though whatever draws people in to see the blackened tree repels Pokémon from staying for too long.

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No New Posts The Gravemile

Toppled headstones and debris make up this labyrinth of a graveyard. Its name is both evocative and misleading; the Gravemile is certainly large, but it extends out for several miles from where it "begins" on a seaside cliff. It has been called a city of damaged graves due to its size, and there seems to be no rhyme nor reason with how the gravestones were placed. The epitaphs are sometimes able to be pieced together or are intact on less-worn gravestones -- by the cliff, the graves are hundreds of years old. At the very edge of the Gravemile, the headstones all read with modern names and dates close to the present day, and graves dating from 2019 have become an increasingly common sight. Despite there being no gravekeeper to tend to the graveyard, the Gravemile only continues to grow with new additions by the day.

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No New Posts Drowning Valleys

Named for the constant rainfall and subsequent floods, the Drowning Valleys make up the majority of Mediterra. The land curves and slopes with rivers that more than double in size whenever there's enough rain, and everything is covered in green, whether from valley forests or moss and vines encasing anything they can find purchase on. A perpetual cloud of mist clings to the trees and canyon walls, and the low din of waterfalls punctuates the sound of rain hitting the foliage and creating new brooks in the waterlogged earth down below. Visibility is poor in the Drowning Valleys, especially on days when the rainfall is particularly intense, and travelers to the region are advised to never, under any circumstances, follow shadows they see breaking through the mist.

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The Ienza Province

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No New Posts Lossulli

Because Lossulli is built on filled-in swampland, underground metros and trains are a structural impossibility at best and a life-threatening hazard at worst. As such, the city skyline is filled with a tangle of tracks that run past high-level floors in skyscrapers. Tourists might compare this technological metropolis' public transit to a rollercoaster in appearance for how high off the ground some tracks are. Those who feel unsafe on the trains are welcome to walk around Lossulli instead, but the train tracks and the enormous steel towers they're built around means that it's difficult to see large stretches of the sky from the ground. Residents of the city are accustomed to the perpetual rumble and click of trains progressing to their destination at all hours; it is said that in Lossulli, someone is always going somewhere, no matter the time of day.

Sub-boards: Lossulli Gym, A.U.T.O. Leveling Facility, A.U.T.O. Corporation Building

8 30 How To Train Your Dragon Type
by Izaak
Apr 26, 2016 8:59:43 GMT -7
No New Posts Ragnar Castle

Bits and pieces of Ragnar Castle can be found all over the slope it was long ago constructed upon. Almost nothing in this old stone ruin is whole; everything is crumbling away, worn down by both time and destruction from vandals. Everything, that is, except for the doors that remain stubbornly shut and eerily intact, considering the decrepit nature of the rest of the castle. These doors are stone like the rest of the castle and seem to be placed without rhyme or reason; some are atop battered battlements, others are at the base of the hill, and others still are arranged in curious formations in broken walls deeper into the ruin. Carved into each and every door are the words, "Open for none save the one that saveth all." Regardless of the means employed to do so, no attempt at opening even a single one of these doors has ever been successful.

1 1 My Name's King (Arthur)
by sarah
Apr 28, 2016 11:43:35 GMT -7
No New Posts Cuadia Swamps

"Lethargic" is an apt descriptor for Cuadia Swamps during the day. Brown, dead-looking plants hang from leafless trees that are partly buried in murky water. The only way through the swamp is to maneuver around stumps, muddy shallows, and fallen logs, clinging to overhanging vines to avoid falling into the deeper waters. At night, however, the swamplands change into a florescent region unlike anything else in Lualdi. Blue and violet flowers blossom and bathe everything in a soft glow, the light reflected by the ethereal, white water. The flowers dislodge spores at the beginning and end of every night, the sight calling to mind tiny falling stars descending through the air and sinking into the water.

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No New Posts Terrudi Wetlands

The trees in the Terrudi Wetlands, at first sight, might be called "upside-down". Leafy branches curve and protrude from the water like strange hands grasping at the boardwalks through the region. The trees' roots are pointed skyward and tangle with those of their neighbors, and in those roots, the trees have collected enough coil, rocks, and debris to be stable enough to walk upon. The earth sometimes sags or breaks away where fragile, dislodging clumps of soil or tiny streams of water onto the wooden boardwalks below. Small sprouts grow from the underside of the "second level" of the Terrudi Wetlands, as if to parallel the reversed growth of the trees that make this unusual geography possible.

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The Boscuro Province

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No New Posts Tuttosol

Tuttosol is circular in design, having been constructed long ago on a colossal, ancient sundial. The buildings of Tuttosol, which never exceed a few stories in height, are organized into districts by the sundial's section, and residents often use it as a way of giving directions, such as saying a building is at 6:30 or that they live a quarter-past the hour. Tiny canals feed the myriad of gardens throughout the city, and the sundial's numbers are filled with water and covered by flowers of a color specific to that particular number. As the day goes on, the shadow of the slanted spire at the center of the city falls upon different districts. Some superstitious citizens will refuse to work or go out while the shadow is over their business or home, claiming that it's bad luck.

Sub-boards: Tuttosol Gym, Vidacca Gardens, Nessudormi

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No New Posts Fol Acqua Falls

An array of cascading falls tumble down small cliffs and form small basins filled with water. These tiny lakes are deeper than they might appear at first glance, but they have small islands dotted throughout the water. The gentleness of the falls, their roar more a low rumble, has led to a myriad of jungle plants to grow from the constant flow of water. Wherever the rocks aren't covered in moss and other vegetation, colorful graffiti can be seen through the thin mist. The graffiti mostly consists of personal tags and the occasional drawing, but elaborate conspiracy theories also make their way to the vandalized rocks of Fol Acqua Falls -- and the tendency for conspiracy-laden graffiti to vanish or be drawn over only spurs its return all the more rapidly.

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No New Posts Smerso Ruins

In centuries past, the low, whirlpool-laden sea surrounding Boscuro's islands was land itself, and it shows in how, to this day, especially resilient jungle trees and ruins reach out of the churning water. On rare occasions that the tide recedes enough, these ruins are even explorable, though waterlogged -- thus their modern name of "Smerso," meaning "submerged". The inner parts of the stone ruins are deep and labyrinthine, smelling of sea water and rotting jungle wood. Despite researchers' best efforts, the inner parts of the Smerso Ruins have never been fully mapped out, and the unpredictability of the tides around Boscuro make it dangerous to explore the ruins too deeply or for too long. All it takes is a rush of water, and would-be explorers find themselves trapped in a rapidly-flooding ruin with no way out.

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No New Posts Giunggio Jungle

Bridges connect to one another in the canopy of the Giunggio Jungle like an enormous, interconnected network of suspended roads. Some bridges are rotting away and must date back to ages past due to the poor condition they're in, but others are much more modern and are made of metal. The earth in the Giunggio Jungle is often difficult to traverse, either due to the thick vegetation mired in dense mud or the territorial Pokémon that dwell on the ground. As such, the bridges allow for efficient travel through the jungle, and travelers tend to leave warnings at the starts of bridges to ward away people from wild Pokémon nests or potential hazards. An oddly recurring message throughout the bridges is "Red tree ahead," even though every tree in the jungle is deep green or, more rarely, dark blue.

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The Selvaguen Province

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No New Posts New Ragrussi

New Ragrussi is built around and upon Mt. Ragrussi, but not inside -- deep within the hollowed caverns of Mt. Ragrussi lay the ruins of Old Ragrussi, the former capital. Despite being a new city, New Ragrussi has only prospered since becoming the new capital of Selvaguen. No longer constrained by the mountain, New Ragrussi has expanded outwards, adding on more and more suburbs to account for its blossoming population. It has few tall buildings or signs of heavy industrialization to speak of, and visitors might compare it to a large town in appearance as opposed to a proper city. Because Old Ragrussi is overrun with criminals and wild Pokémon that have sought to move into the abandoned city, all the entrances into the mountain are walled off and heavily guarded to keep everything dangerous inside the mountain. Security is tight, and though it's possible to go in where the guard force is thinly spread, getting back out is much more difficult, especially without any way of proving no affiliation with the criminals in the mountain.

Sub-boards: New Ragrussi Gym, New Ragrussi Safari Zone, Terre Firme

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No New Posts Old Ragrussi

Trapped inside Mt. Ragrussi, this once-grand city has fallen into disrepair and ruin from both natural disasters, Pokémon attacks, and the very inhabitants of Old Ragrussi themselves. Buildings have had broken doors and windows for years, a sign that someone long ago already came and looted the place in search of supplies. People stuck inside the city's confines -- either by choice or otherwise -- cope with dwindling, already-limited resources and more often than not turn against one another to secure the best shelter, food, and water that Old Ragrussi has available. To make matters worse, wild Pokémon roam anywhere human presence is too weak to force them out. Inhabitants of Old Ragrussi know better than to turn on the lights in this dark city -- broadcasting a location with working electricity to the desperate populace is the quickest way to bring down trouble.

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No New Posts Deilla Temple

High upon the peak of one of the mountains is a temple overgrown with moss, vines, and the dust of hundreds of years. Most of the temple has fallen away from rockslides and rainstorms, leaving only one enormous chamber filled with stone benches, a single worn statue of an equine-like creature that has a cross wheel around its middle, and beams of light that stream in through the crumbling ceiling. The Deilla Temple is connected to other nearby mountains by an enormous, rickety bridge that sways even in the slightest breeze. The spring next to the temple feeds the river from which the temple draws its name -- Deilla River, said to be the “life blood” of Lualdi from how it snakes through almost half the region. The spring seems to almost "sing" whenever wind blows through, a low ripple sound accompanied by the whistling of the wind moving through partially-hollowed out rocks surrounding the spring's perimeter. There’s an undeniable sense of calm here, a serenity that can only be found looking down and seeing the world from this altitude.

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No New Posts Digrattiero Mountain Trails

Wind whips around the dry atmosphere of the Digrattiero Mountains, carrying with them leaves from all throughout the province. These whirls of leaves can vary in size, and it's fully possible to see small, harmless tornadoes of dry leaves forming in basins along the mountain paths. Pokémon peacefully coast along the air currents and ride these small whirlwinds as easily as they might tread the water of a slow river. Along with the perpetual churn of leaves in the air, the gales sometimes pick up enough water from springs and rivers to send trickles of water soaring through the air. The trails of water spin and fall whenever the wind lets up just enough for gravity to take hold again, and the mountain trails are sometimes unexpectedly splattered with water as a result.

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The Pioveri Province

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No New Posts Nessundo City

Nessundo City's name is thought to originate from the phrase "nessu nodo," literally meaning "no one owns this place" -- a land of freedom where anyone could pursue whatever future they sought so long as they lived. To this day, Nessundo City's buildings have a decidedly rugged look to them, and even the newly-built ones look like they were put together with limited supplies and means; some inhabitants will even take pride in the "built it myself" look of their homes, though certain districts of the city look less ramshackle than others. Nessundo City was originally several cities all built around and atop several adjacent mesas, but they are all now connected by large suspension bridges to the central Nessundo Bluff and are considered districts of one city. Despite this unity, there is still a rough segregation based on career type -- academics congregate on the Long West Bluff, Pokémon battle experts stick to the central Nessundo Bluff, factories and offices occupy the Jagged Point Bluff in the north, and so on. As a sign of unity and cooperation, each mesa has a central fountain with canals running throughout their section of the city. Eventually, the canals tumble over the cliff side in the form of a waterfall and unite in an enormous moat around Nessundo City's perimeter. Should a section of the city seek to secede from Nessundo City, they only need to cut off the water supply.

Sub-boards: Nessundo City Gym, Gaur Pokémon Tutelage, Gatto's Library, Lualdi News Network Broadcast Building

1 1 Gaur's Tutelage
by Gatz
Apr 5, 2016 9:11:01 GMT -7
No New Posts Marowak's Bend

The proper name of the area is technically the Renazzi Riverbend, but the Renazzi River dried up long ago and revealed an unsettling, pale white rock formation lurking in the now-dusty depths of the dead river. The rocks in the basin resemble curved stalagmites, curling much like the ribcage of an enormous dead creature, and they frame where the river once ran. That fossils and other old remains of Pokémon can be found here only further fuels urban legends that there is something around Marowak's Bend that died long ago and comes alive on moonless nights only to die once again when the sun rises. By all accounts, it seems to be the easiest explanation for the unidentifiable footprints in the broken earth and why these rocks are never in the exact same place over long periods of time.

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No New Posts Crucemar Rise

Shipwrecks both ancient and modern crowd the broken cliffs of Crucemar Rise. The narrow seaside cavern underneath the cross-shaped cliff formation looks just large enough to house a ship, yet it seems that all boats attempting to take shelter in Crucemar Rise eventually meet the same fate -- dashed upon the boulders only barely visible in the churning sea on the best of days. Pokémon can be found nesting in the wreckage, some far below the water's surface and others bobbing along in the water, and finding safe passage on the sea-slick rocks is a difficult prospect at best. Only the most dedicated of scavengers have ever been able to find a way into the skeletal remains of the boats and come back with something worthwhile.

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No New Posts Ventordi Plains

The entirety of the Ventordi Plains are uneven, cracked and fractured enough that they might be better described as a series of canyons with grass rather than craggy boulders. Some ravines are small enough to jump across without any danger of falling in, but others are wide, ravenous jaws in the earth that go miles deep. Jagged rocks tend to stick out from the sides of the larger fractures, giving the impression that the earth could swallow anything whole if given a chance. The tall plains grass can make it difficult, especially from afar, to tell where the ground is whole and where it is falling away. Rivers meander through the basins, long and winding in their path to the sea. Where there are towns and cities in the plains, there are paths down to the rivers and elaborate pulley systems to draw water, and bridges cut across the most dangerous of ravines. In the absence of civilization, however, the Ventordi Plains truly live up to their ancient nickname of being a "no man's land" -- one can look out over the horizon and be deluded into thinking no one lives in all of the plains.

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The Domorto Province

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No New Posts Trizzica D'Crocio

Once a beacon of light visible all across the flatlands of Domorto, Trizzica D'Crocio's population has plummeted ever since Time's Scar opened up to the east. As the rip in time has grown, so have the vacancies in once-populous districts of the city. Some buildings have been evacuated so swiftly that they aren't even boarded up -- simply deserted, the former occupants long gone. At night, entire sections of the city are completely dark, and the only sound that can be heard from these abandoned districts are usually stray Pokémon or looters prowling around the grid-like streets in search of something left behind. Residents of Trizzica D'Crocio have noted that the city's meticulous organization may be damaging property owners' desire to stay -- it's all too easy to see how any section of the city that faces Time's Scar has been abandoned.

Sub-boards: Trizzica D'Crocio Gym, Chrono Break Breeders, Temporale Power Station

3 3 Sprout
by intrusivepen
Feb 20, 2017 1:34:36 GMT -7
No New Posts Time's Scar

If Lualdi has become unstuck in time, then this section of Domorto has become undone by time. Time's Scar grows with each passing day, however slight, and its jagged, erratic growth has given it a scar-like shape -- it's as though someone took an enormous knife and haphazardly cut through the ground. The ecology of Time's Scar is varied and chaotic; prehistoric, enormous trees grow with icicles hanging from their branches. Steam-powered machines rust as if they've been there for years, and the shadows of medieval castles fall over fallen skyscrapers. What exactly is in Time's Scar fluctuates and changes, but what remains constant are the warning signs posted on the perimeter of the area dissuading visitors from investigating this volatile region.

1 22 I'm From 12 AD And What Is This
by Gatz
Apr 26, 2016 0:42:40 GMT -7
No New Posts Lagvitta Lake

Even if near-constant rainstorms never change how the majority of Domorto is nothing but a dry wasteland, Lagvitta Lake has yet to succumb to the drought that plagues the land. The soil around the lake is as grey as the rest of Domorto, and even the abandoned, torn-up furniture, rundown buildings, and incomplete stone fences that are sprinkled around the lake's outskirts seem washed-out and drab. Sometimes gales of wind or rainstorms will reveal a buried keepsake from a bygone era, but would-be treasure hunters are rarely encouraged to go here. Domorto locals claim that the lake has a tendency to calm people to the point of utter apathy -- such that they will never leave Lagvitta Lake and join the bones hidden beneath years of lifeless soil.

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No New Posts Inonterre Wasteland

Rolls of thunder echo across the cracked and sundered lands that make up most of Domorto. The flat landscape means that it's fully possible to see an approaching storm off in the distance, dark clouds hanging over ground that won't hold the water no matter how much it rains. Despite how often it rains in the wasteland, the parched earth returns to being completely dry once the storm has passed. Not a single shrub grows in the dusty wastes; everything is grey and drab, as though the storms have washed away all color in the constant rainfall.

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The Voluzione Province

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No New Posts Spegna City

Newcomers to Spegna City tend to have trouble discerning modern from ancient buildings, as even the newest of buildings in the city are built to resemble a medieval town, albeit more multi-storied than true medieval buildings are. The cliff-top city overlooks the coast of Voluzione, and the difficulty of expanding outwards has instead resulted in the city constructing upwards. Cobblestone paths are built upon both roofs and stone pillars; lamps supply light to the lowest levels of the city, where very little sunlight can reach, and the perpetual shade makes the ground levels most bearable during hot summer days. Slopes, ladders, and stairs allow for navigation between the city's levels, and the city walls have entrances to all the different levels of the city, though some are residential-only and require showing identification to a guard to enter.

Sub-boards: Spegna City Gym, Valuchi Square, Era Rut Castle

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No New Posts Spegna Oil Fields

North of Spegna City, the skeletal remains of drilling rigs lay in ruin among the torn-up desert earth. Once, the Spegna Oil Fields were a lucrative business, and there are even still some now-abandoned homes from workers who lived on-site decades ago. Oil spurts forth from cracks in the ground, coalescing in the burning desert sun and giving the fields their distinctively unpleasant smell. Where the desert slopes, oil flows in rivers and collects in pits, and the flash floods of the desert have their potential hazards magnified by the Spegna Oil Fields. In the rain, the oil can almost travel farther than it otherwise would, and consequently, traces of oil can be found even miles away from where it originated.

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No New Posts Luzader Caverns

The Luzader Caverns stretch all throughout the undergrounds of Voluzione, and the easiest points of access were once mine shafts. Unstable, suspended elevators work enough to bring people in and out of the mines, but some of them no longer have fences or stop halfway and require some climbing the rest of the way. Pickaxes and surveying equipment litter the crystal-lined passages of the caverns, and the crystals give off enough light that many parts of the cave are navigable without flashlights. For the most part, the caverns are cooled by the lack of direct sunlight and the misty pools of water deeper in the vast subterranean network, but occasionally, puffs of hot air likened unto the breathing of an enormous creature rush through the passages. That these caves were once called "The Sighing Underground" does little to dispel rumors that something colossal and dangerous lives at the heart of Voluzione.

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No New Posts Ziolarri Desert

The craggy Ziolarri Desert is populated by ghost towns. These towns are called "rebesadis" by locals -- literally, "the overrun". If sandstorms and the inhospitable nature of the desert didn't force residents to seek greener lands, the war that encroached on Voluzione decades ago is to blame. Abandoned military outposts and tangled, barbed wire fences can be found in deserted city squares, dried-up wells and fallen utility poles indicating some prosperity and intended permanence before the towns were left to the whims of nature. A common feature in many ghost towns is the Lualdian prison -- a twenty-foot tall, five to ten feet wide building made of dark steel with no entrances save for somehow surmounting the spikes at the top of the walls. Sunlight reflects into the roofless building, especially at noon, rendering it much hotter and torturous to be inside for too long. Wherever there stands a Lualdian prison, the Lualdians once made their march on the people of Voluzione decades ago, and the remains of whatever was tossed into the prisons are often still there to this day.

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The Camani Province

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No New Posts Vuldan City

The fertile volcanic soil of Camani gives rise to the forest of rainbow-colored trees throughout Vuldan City. Both the leaves and the bark can be almost any color imaginable, and the trees' seeds travel far enough that there are few single-color patches of trees anywhere in the city. Though the trees don't grow higher than fifteen to twenty feet tall, if even that, they occupy virtually every spot in Vuldan City that a building hasn't overtaken. Saplings, when planted, will grow to their full height within a few years. There are no roads in the city, for the trees have the tendency to somehow deposit seeds in even the smallest of cracks in the pavement. In older districts of the city, futile attempts at pavement can be found broken by broad-trunked trees, their roots constricting around the fractured cements to find the soil underneath. Thankfully, there is little need for streetlamps or other forms of lighting throughout Vuldan City; the seed cones of the multicolored trees are florescent, and they light anything beneath or around them with the same colors as the tree that shed them. At night, the trees guide the way wherever residual lights from neon signs and buildings do not.

Sub-boards: Vuldan City Gym, Abigione Prison, Gladiatore Stadium

2 2 The glorious Gladiatore Stadium!
by Gatz
Apr 10, 2016 12:18:39 GMT -7
No New Posts Mt. Enettivo

Volcanic activity hasn't been recorded in Mt. Enettivo or the surrounding area for the past nearly two centuries, yet all but the most skeptical of researchers have called its apparent "dead" status into question. The geology of Mt. Enettivo makes it difficult to thoroughly study and say conclusively whether or not it is even capable of erupting again, but the mountain and its surroundings look scorched from the last recorded eruption still -- everything is searingly white, like all color was burned off. Mt. Enettivo has few slopes or trails to speak of, and none of them go to the flat peak of the mountain. The jagged, column-like formations on the sides of the mountain resemble claw marks from a distance; it is by these columns that access to Mt. Enettivo is possible, for adept climbers can use these protrusions to access paths higher up on the mountain with the use of climbing equipment or leaps of faith. Warning signs are posted everywhere to not investigate Mt. Enettivo, though the leftover climbing equipment from previous forays up the mountain attests to how many have chosen to explore this odd volcano all the same.

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No New Posts The Obsidian Coast

As its name suggests, the Obsidian Coast is covered in lustrous black glass more than anything else. Though this area must have once been subjected to a great deal of volcanic activity in the past to have this much obsidian, whatever created the Obsidian Coast is long gone, possibly swallowed up by the ocean centuries ago. Light does not reflect off the obsidian easily, and at night, it is easy to look down and feel as though there is nothing on the ground at all. Moss zigzags in emerald green outcroppings across the coast, and the ocean is a deep, rich blue as it crashes on the beach. When the tide recedes, the stretch of obsidian can be seen to extend under the seawater as well, and there are pockets in the ground where there seem to be tunnels filled with water and swaying red kelp.

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No New Posts Passachi D'Ilioni

Also known as the badlands of Camani, Passachi D'Ilioni may be rocky and without much vegetation beyond dusty shrubs, but the sweeping ravines and hills are layered with different-colored soil from millennia of erosion. The topmost layers are rusty red and loose to the touch, and footprints from Pokémon and humans alike are enough to reveal the crimson soil underneath. Underneath the layer of crimson, the earth continues to progress through a spectrum of colors. The sides of hills are often yellow and bright orange, making them look like summits of flame. Because the soil of Passachi D'Ilioni holds footprints very easily even in the absence of rainfall, trails through the area are made simply by following the millions of footsteps that are already present.

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The Sistazzo Province

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No New Posts The Dreamfield

The Dreamfield lays in the northern reaches of Sistazzo, and it stands as a curiously vibrant patch of green among the colorless wasteland. Wildflowers dot the outskirts of it, growing more and more dense until they all but surround the weather-worn statue of a Dunsparce that marks where the Elite Four battles against challenging trainers. The statue's worn plaque is thought to be where the Dreamfield gets its name, for it reads, "To all the dreamers: May you someday reach the stars and transcend time not in greatness, but in happiness."

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No New Posts Tazan Trenches

Throughout Sistazzo, the land is crisscrossed with trenches that range from four to ten feet in depth. Broken, dusty Poké Balls and rusted firearms indicate these trenches were used recently, but there are no records of any sorts of battles to ever take place in Sistazzo, let alone ones from the past several decades. Bones of humans and Pokémon alike can be found, bleached white from untold years in an unrelenting sun. Those who tarry here often hear screams of pain, gunfire, and the clamor of ruthless Pokémon battles, yet the source of these sounds has never been found.

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No New Posts Nellombra Crater

The Nellombra Crater lies at the heart of Sistazzo, and like blood vessels, broken roads and shattered sidewalks extend out from the crater. Abandoned mailboxes, toppled lampposts, and even ruined telephone poles frame the roads that lead to nowhere. It would almost look like a city lost to time if there were any buildings or even any evidence thereof. Yet that is the mystery of the Nellombra Crater -- why, if there was never a city, there are still distinctly man-made roads that loop and meander about as if constructed around something no longer there.

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No New Posts Martyr's Lake

The story of Martyr's Lake is well-known; in ages past, humans and Pokémon warred with one another, and the lake swallowed them up. To this day, it is said that the grisly visages of the slain can be seen in the reflection of the lake's disturbingly clear, unbroken surface, and their voices and hands reach out from the water to pull in more victims. Despite the lake's infamy, however, no one seems sure of where the story about Martyr's Lake originated or even who nameless subjects of the tale were. There is no archaeological evidence supporting that Martyr's Lake is anything more than an urban legend, but no one can find any other explanation for the footprints and fresh bloodstains that seem to move day-to-day around the lake's shore.

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